Joshua 1:2 often hosts, or works in collaboration with other area churches to provide a variety of community events to serve all those interested. Joshua 1:2 is non-denominational, in that we believe in the True Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. So, all are welcome to attend the events listed here, regardless of Christian affiliation. We also provide Bible studies on certain weekdays and weeknights, the schedule is listed below, and classes are open to the general public.
Please keep checking our calendar, we'd love to see you at one of our events!
Weekly Bible Study Schedule
Monday through Friday: 10 am-12 pm
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: 7 pm-9 pm

New Location for Joshua 1:2 Church

Our Pastor

Society says once an addict, always an addict. But Jesus says I Am the Way the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. I grew up in the streets of San Antonio, Texas, with a lot of anger and hatred towards others. I was always fighting and getting into trouble. I was sent to reform school for 2 years when I was 15 years old for stealing a car and assaulting a police officer. (Mountain View State School, TYC in Gatesville, Texas) At the age of 17, two weeks after release from reform school, I tried my first fix of heroin. For a few months I was able to control it, but before long I realized I was hooked! I had lost control over my willpower. Heroin became my wife, my mother, my life , and even my god. I would do anything under the sun to get a fix. For nine years I was hooked on heroin, methadone, and smoked three packs of cigarettes a day. I tried everything in my power to change, but I always found myself with that needle in my arm. As an addict, the only way out for me was an overdose, or a shootout with the police, in other words the morgue. I became a misfit and outcast, a reject of society. One day, my younger brother and I had just scored a lot of heroin, and after fixing my brother, I had intentions to end my life with an overdose. I injected a lethal dose of heroin, more than ususal, and to my surprise nothing happened. The next day my older brother invited me to a church service. I was so desperate and tired of being a heroin junkie that I went with him.
On October 27, 1979, we attended a small church building. The Preacher who was preaching was an ex-addict, covered with tattoos. I could tell he used to be a junkie. As he was preaching about "The Love and Saving Power of Jesus Christ," I remember him saying, "Jesus has the Power to change your life if you just believe in Him.That Jesus loved me so much that He died on the cross and shed His precious blood on the cross in order to forgive me and to wash away all my sins." When the preacher made an altar call, I felt a tug in my heart to respond. I was full of fear, thinking God would kill me for all the wrong I did in life as a junkie. But I got up, went forward, and kneeling down at the altar I prayed, "Jesus if you are real please forgive me for all my sins, and change my life. I'm tired of sticking that needle in my veins!" Suddenly I felt the power of God coming into my life. The desire for drugs was gone, and even the desire for cigarettes and alcohol was gone. The love of God set me free from the life of drugs and alcohol in less than a second.
Today, I am still free from drug addiction. I am married to my lovely wife, Linda J. Suarez, with a beautiful family (3 sons and 4 daughters). I am the Senior Pastor at the Joshua 1:2 Fellowship Church. We established our Ministry in San Angelo, TX on April 21, 1988. We have a Christian Rehabilitation Home for drug addicts and alcoholics, providing a place where they can stay free of charge so that Jesus can set them free. For 30 years God has been delivering drug addicts and restoring families in our Home! Jesus Christ, who set me free has the same power to set you free.
Here is a suggested prayer: "Father, In the Name of Jesus. I recognize that I am a lost sinner, in need of your forgiveness. I believe you came and died on the Cross and you were buried and you were raised on the third day. I open the doors to my heart and invite you into my life to be the Lord and Savior of my life. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen."

Tel. 325-658-1061
1526 S. Irving Street,
San Angelo, TX 76903
Wednesday Night 7pm - 9pm
Sunday Morning 10am - 12pm
Sunday Evening 7pm - 9pm